« Toujours dans les temps pour une sortie d’Android au deuxième semestre 2008 »


“We’ve said all along that we expect the devices to be out in the second half of 2008, and we’re still on track for that.”

APCMag publie une interview de Dan Morrill (Google) : Un certain nombre de questions sont abordées : la stratégie de concurrence avec les autres frameworks de développement d’applications mobiles ou encore le planning de sortie des téléphones Android.

Dan Morrill
We’re in a situation right now where we’re focused very strongly on getting the first device out the door and the reason for that is we want to make sure the first device that ends up in consumers’ hands basically is a good device. We want to set the bar with it. We don’t want to just release the stuff and say “Here’s a platform that’s capable of this huge list of functionalities” and then the first device doesn’t really take advantage of it; that doesn’t tell your story well.

So really what we want to do is make sure that the first device is very high quality, is really compelling to users and that is and it has to be the foundation for everything else we do. So right now our engineers are purely focused on that. We’ve got a few other things that we started doing. We’re not in the early stages of organising how the open source release process is going to go, so we’re starting to answer some of the administrative details of the product.

Lire l’interview

[Via talkandroid]

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